WEBVTT 9 00:13:37.350 --> 00:13:46.290 Anthony White: All right, we're gonna get started. We have a quorum, so I like to call the regular Board of Education meeting on May 11 Monday 11th to order please stand for the pledge. 10 00:13:48.300 --> 00:13:49.530 Anthony White: You have Kelly's flag. 11 00:13:52.200 --> 00:13:54.870 Anthony White: I pledge allegiance to the flag, the flag. 12 00:13:55.200 --> 00:13:56.610 Mike Rutkoske: Of the United States of America. 13 00:13:59.850 --> 00:14:00.630 Anthony White: One nation. 14 00:14:01.140 --> 00:14:03.060 Anthony White: under God, indivisible. 15 00:14:03.600 --> 00:14:04.140 Anthony White: With liberty and 16 00:14:04.560 --> 00:14:05.340 Anthony White: justice for all. 17 00:14:08.040 --> 00:14:09.630 Anthony White: Kelly, would you please do roll call. 18 00:14:13.380 --> 00:14:15.480 Elissa: This better been here. 19 00:14:19.260 --> 00:14:20.280 Anthony White: Excused 20 00:14:22.950 --> 00:14:24.630 Anthony White: He contacted me he had a conflict. 21 00:14:29.100 --> 00:14:29.970 Anthony White: Kristen's delay. 22 00:14:30.030 --> 00:14:30.600 On 23 00:14:34.230 --> 00:14:34.680 Kelly Pologe: Ski 24 00:14:36.750 --> 00:14:37.290 Here. 25 00:14:39.990 --> 00:14:40.770 Kelly Pologe: Stadler 26 00:14:45.810 --> 00:14:46.290 Anthony White: Delayed 27 00:14:59.370 --> 00:14:59.940 Kelly Pologe: You're 28 00:15:01.590 --> 00:15:02.070 meredithheuer: Here. 29 00:15:03.630 --> 00:15:04.110 Kelly Pologe: He's doing 30 00:15:05.820 --> 00:15:06.060 Anthony White: Here. 31 00:15:07.200 --> 00:15:11.730 Anthony White: I'm going to ask you all please rise for a moment of silence for all the code 19 32 00:15:15.780 --> 00:15:17.820 Anthony White: For the victims of code 19 for the 33 00:15:32.280 --> 00:15:32.700 Anthony White: Thank you. 34 00:15:44.430 --> 00:15:45.390 Anthony White: Tonight's workshop 35 00:15:50.880 --> 00:15:51.270 meredithheuer: Christian 36 00:15:51.570 --> 00:15:55.500 meredithheuer: Needs to be loaded Christian says she needs to be let into the meeting. 37 00:16:15.240 --> 00:16:16.710 Mike Rutkoske: The other other meeting. 38 00:16:18.240 --> 00:16:20.550 meredithheuer: Maybe she's in Google me yeah me check. 39 00:16:34.620 --> 00:16:35.610 meredithheuer: Okay, go ahead and get started. 40 00:16:37.380 --> 00:16:43.740 Anthony White: So, tonight's workshop we have Dr. Lando and Miss Emory quarter Ronnie on they're going to give an update presentation on the budget. 41 00:16:46.350 --> 00:16:48.000 Anthony White: So I'm going to turn over to you. Matt and Emory. 42 00:16:50.160 --> 00:16:52.110 Matt Landahl: All right, great. Thank you. 43 00:16:54.990 --> 00:16:59.220 Matt Landahl: Mike's gonna throw this slides up there in a second. 44 00:17:06.240 --> 00:17:06.750 Matt Landahl: Thanks, Mike. 45 00:17:07.980 --> 00:17:10.740 Matt Landahl: So I, I wanted to 46 00:17:11.940 --> 00:17:16.410 Matt Landahl: Before getting into specifically the budget. I want to take a few minutes to 47 00:17:18.210 --> 00:17:29.700 Matt Landahl: Just kind of remind us of some of the work and thinking that we've accomplished over the last few years and and also just to talk about some of the things that we're working on right now. 48 00:17:31.740 --> 00:17:43.950 Matt Landahl: And going to be implementing soon in terms of district work. So first just starting with our mission to prepare every student for learning life and work beyond school like you can click to the next slide. 49 00:17:45.750 --> 00:17:46.200 Matt Landahl: We 50 00:17:50.880 --> 00:17:52.860 Matt Landahl: Were going to be really focused 51 00:17:54.090 --> 00:18:01.560 Matt Landahl: For the next several months on or really beyond that what I'm calling the road ahead right now. 52 00:18:02.100 --> 00:18:13.170 Matt Landahl: And that's in my mind at least, in a few different chunks that are all interrelated. One is recovery. Another one is engagement and other one is strategic planning. 53 00:18:13.710 --> 00:18:26.550 Matt Landahl: And so the recovery part is really working hard as a district to prepare school district for all of the options that we think could possibly occur next year. 54 00:18:27.660 --> 00:18:35.130 Matt Landahl: For for our students and our staff and so that that work is going to look a few ways 55 00:18:36.480 --> 00:18:54.540 Matt Landahl: And I'll get to that a little bit more specifically in a in a minute or two, but that recovery part is something that we're spending quite a bit of time already thinking about in terms of getting getting the district's prepared for all of the 56 00:18:55.800 --> 00:18:59.220 Matt Landahl: Things that might be heading our way engagement. 57 00:19:00.480 --> 00:19:10.350 Matt Landahl: If, if we're to do more distance learning next school year, or some sort of blended learning structure which both seem at least possible 58 00:19:10.830 --> 00:19:16.800 Matt Landahl: To make sure that we're integrating the strategic planning work that we work so hard on the last couple of years even more. 59 00:19:17.430 --> 00:19:33.030 Matt Landahl: Than is currently being implemented into our distance learning plan. And then the last thing is really trying to be strategic. Obviously, right now we're focused on the budget, putting a getting a budget together still waiting on the state, but a budget together for the voters. 60 00:19:34.080 --> 00:19:51.390 Matt Landahl: Next month but also really thinking several years into the future. A lot of the forecast say that we're looking at a an economic downturn of several years. And so really trying to work hard to be strategic and plan thoughtfully for that Mike, you can go the next slide. 61 00:19:53.700 --> 00:19:57.540 Matt Landahl: So I'm going to just quickly go through these. The board goals. I just wanted to remind 62 00:19:58.320 --> 00:20:04.020 Matt Landahl: Everyone that the board has the board has worked hard, putting these goals together over the last few years. 63 00:20:04.530 --> 00:20:16.140 Matt Landahl: And these goals actually drive our strategic planning work and I was looking back through some of my old presentations and the last time we did a live for the meeting on March 9 64 00:20:16.830 --> 00:20:27.630 Matt Landahl: I talked about having a dashboard. That's measuring our work for each of these board goals. So that is still is still in the works. We obviously 65 00:20:28.140 --> 00:20:40.560 Matt Landahl: It took the took a backseat for the last several weeks, but we're working on putting that back together again and it should go live this summer, but our workloads of excellence equity and Mike, you can scroll through to the next slide. 66 00:20:42.420 --> 00:20:49.800 Matt Landahl: Fiscal communication sustainability and culture of care all 67 00:20:50.850 --> 00:20:57.330 Matt Landahl: Our focus of our work. And I'm sorry I may have left off sustainability. I was copying from another thing and 68 00:20:57.960 --> 00:21:04.560 Matt Landahl: I may have missed that one. So I apologize that those six goals are the foundation of our strategic planning work and the work of 69 00:21:05.100 --> 00:21:11.760 Matt Landahl: Work of everyone in the district. I think a lot of these goals have been evident and what's been happening for the past few months. 70 00:21:12.030 --> 00:21:19.950 Matt Landahl: As our school buildings have been closed. But really, the district has been opened and working the entire time. I think especially if the culture of care. 71 00:21:20.910 --> 00:21:34.410 Matt Landahl: In a lot of different ways, both with the meals program, which I've mentioned a few times now close to 1000 students serves every week. And with those thousand students served it's thousands of meals going out. 72 00:21:35.670 --> 00:21:45.240 Matt Landahl: We have a delivery model we have pickup options at two of our schools. And we've also worked with community partners to provide meals at 73 00:21:45.810 --> 00:21:51.210 Matt Landahl: Neither no meals on Monday, thanks to fairground we can we partner with community organizations around 74 00:21:51.840 --> 00:22:07.680 Matt Landahl: The free groceries. On Wednesday, and we also in working with common ground farm and other folks on Fridays or buses go back out and deliver to specific families a food backpack program. I think if the work our teachers and administrators are doing and reaching out to families. 75 00:22:08.850 --> 00:22:21.510 Matt Landahl: Under the culture of care. And frankly, all the other goals to make sure people are doing okay during this difficult time that they're connecting in some way with their teacher that we're working on furthering that connection. 76 00:22:22.560 --> 00:22:26.610 Matt Landahl: We've worked really hard in this caring model to also provide 77 00:22:27.720 --> 00:22:41.190 Matt Landahl: To provide Internet access for families that don't have it. We're now to 25 families that we've provided for. We also have, you know, the internet into our school parking last that's an option for folks. But we haven't providing 78 00:22:41.940 --> 00:22:48.630 Matt Landahl: Hotspots to families who need it. And so that has been great. So making go the next one is district recovery plan. 79 00:22:52.470 --> 00:23:02.160 Matt Landahl: So I want us to talk specifically for a moment about the beginnings of our recovery plan. So the first thing is we formed a internal committee. 80 00:23:03.030 --> 00:23:13.290 Matt Landahl: Right now it's just administrators on the committee, but will broaden that in the coming weeks to get a plan together to to educate our students. 81 00:23:14.100 --> 00:23:23.490 Matt Landahl: In the coming year, and whatever way as possible. So the first thing we're going to do is a county effort. The Duchess superintendents, have a meeting on a weekly basis. 82 00:23:23.970 --> 00:23:32.820 Matt Landahl: And we agreed to work together as a group and work with Dutchess County officials and the health department to come up with some common health guidelines for schools. 83 00:23:33.780 --> 00:23:42.270 Matt Landahl: For next year that we can all implement in a consistent manner. I mentioned that we have started a recovery committee in the district. 84 00:23:42.870 --> 00:23:49.800 Matt Landahl: With right now with administrators on the committee and that will broaden to plan for an implement all the logistical issues. 85 00:23:50.370 --> 00:23:59.820 Matt Landahl: That would go with opening of schools. I've mentioned before that that could look a few different ways. One way right now is that it could look like. 86 00:24:00.450 --> 00:24:15.000 Matt Landahl: Schools back in session with a lot of different health guidelines and rules to make sure things are safe or other countries. And now, some states that I've reopened students have done some sort of like 87 00:24:16.800 --> 00:24:32.340 Matt Landahl: Different schedule or different structure that it doesn't have all the students in the building. At the same time, but just to give students access to some of the in person part of learning that's important. And so that's would be like a blended model of some distance and some in person. 88 00:24:33.750 --> 00:24:49.530 Matt Landahl: And then also planning for we have to do distance learning again next year to make sure that we're ready for all the logistics of that part of our recovery work is also working with this. What we're looking at is potentially a multi year financial crisis. 89 00:24:50.820 --> 00:24:56.790 Matt Landahl: The crisis right now is coming from the state level in terms of the revenue drop off at the state and 90 00:24:57.750 --> 00:25:07.980 Matt Landahl: In the plans reduction state aid. We're waiting to hear from the governor on that we're it may 15 that we hear creates a very tight deadline for us. But we're preparing 91 00:25:08.460 --> 00:25:24.270 Matt Landahl: For all eventualities, but we right now we are working with staff being mostly administrators right now. It's a plan for the budget with the board and with financial advisors also to try to map out and I'll tell you your plan to get through this difficult time. 92 00:25:25.410 --> 00:25:26.760 Matt Landahl: Like if you go to the next slide. 93 00:25:28.350 --> 00:25:37.860 Matt Landahl: So, so I just wanted to remind folks of our part of the strategic plan was the skills and abilities and attributes and distribution just dispositions. 94 00:25:38.340 --> 00:25:47.310 Matt Landahl: So I'll just focus on the skills and abilities really quickly. Focus on communication, problem solving, creative and critical thinking collaboration and digital literacy 95 00:25:47.850 --> 00:25:58.500 Matt Landahl: I'm going to be challenging our staff, our teachers, our administrators to find more ways to prepare for distance learning in the future if we have to use it. 96 00:25:58.920 --> 00:26:05.400 Matt Landahl: And to find ways to incorporate more of this strategic planning work and to focus more on these skills and abilities and the work 97 00:26:06.150 --> 00:26:14.790 Matt Landahl: That's going home through distance learning, it's, it's difficult to do distance learning. It's not our ideal mode by any stretch. We'd much rather be in school. 98 00:26:15.180 --> 00:26:23.280 Matt Landahl: But to try to find ways that we're really trying to activate and develop those skills as much as possible and our students like you can skip ahead. 99 00:26:26.610 --> 00:26:35.580 Matt Landahl: And you can go past it attributes and dispositions to the next slide. So for distance learning. I want to just talk about some next steps we are now entering week nine 100 00:26:36.150 --> 00:26:43.470 Matt Landahl: Of our distance learning and are now entering Monday. Today I guess was the first day of week nine. It's kind of hard to believe that has been going on for so long. 101 00:26:44.070 --> 00:26:50.430 Matt Landahl: So the first thing we're going to do just to kind of prepare do a little reflecting and try to improve is by sending surveys 102 00:26:50.910 --> 00:26:57.270 Matt Landahl: Out to all of our families, our staff and our students. These would be slightly different surveys to depending on the group. 103 00:26:57.750 --> 00:27:10.950 Matt Landahl: Focus on what has worked and what needs to improve for potential distance learning in the future I think whenever you're in a major emergency action like this, which is what this was that you need to take a moment. 104 00:27:12.180 --> 00:27:23.310 Matt Landahl: Or two to review and reflect and look for ways to improve. And so obviously I guess I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have to do a lot of distance learning in the future. 105 00:27:23.910 --> 00:27:33.750 Matt Landahl: But we also need to prepare for doing it as best as we possibly can. So our goal is to have these surveys out and ready to go. Next week, they're just going to be simple Google surveys 106 00:27:34.350 --> 00:27:40.290 Matt Landahl: That will provide us with a little bit of quantitative data and probably a lot more qualitative data to review. 107 00:27:40.860 --> 00:27:53.130 Matt Landahl: And I know, I know some teachers across all of our buildings have surveyed their students or parents about how things are going. But we want to do more comprehensive look at distance learning 108 00:27:53.670 --> 00:28:08.430 Matt Landahl: As a district to to find ways to improve next step is to work within district teams to plan from potential distance learning that aligns more, I should say more with our districts strategic planning, especially focused on student engagement. 109 00:28:09.750 --> 00:28:13.620 Matt Landahl: And then also just to review what we've been using for distance learning 110 00:28:14.730 --> 00:28:23.010 Matt Landahl: To see go back to the survey talk with our staff that look at the survey data from all of our stakeholders to see if we need to. 111 00:28:23.640 --> 00:28:33.780 Matt Landahl: Shift any of our platforms. Add to any of our platforms or also look for maybe there's ways to get hands on materials out to students and families, if we have to do distance learning again. 112 00:28:34.740 --> 00:28:44.670 Matt Landahl: So I want to really do a comprehensive review just to prepare and make sure that we can do the best possible job for called on to do distance learning again that we're ready. 113 00:28:45.720 --> 00:28:54.480 Matt Landahl: I do need to say I'm incredibly proud of our staff, our entire staff for jumping in and all these initiatives as quickly as we did 114 00:28:55.590 --> 00:28:58.080 Matt Landahl: When looking at other districts 115 00:28:59.400 --> 00:29:07.500 Matt Landahl: The fact that we were able to jump really in on the first day of all this, I which, if I look back I think was March 16 116 00:29:08.100 --> 00:29:21.450 Matt Landahl: And to jump in at the time with either learning packets or Chromebooks. But by the end of that week Chromebooks are in the hands of almost all of our students, except for some of our kindergarteners and we had the meals program ready that first day as well. 117 00:29:22.710 --> 00:29:38.820 Matt Landahl: I'm really proud of both how quickly we were able to implement this, but also how hard people have worked to make the best of this situation. I'm also incredibly thankful to our families for supporting learning as much as they've had at home. It's been tough in Turkey. 118 00:29:40.440 --> 00:29:42.750 Matt Landahl: But it seems just looking at 119 00:29:44.190 --> 00:29:56.670 Matt Landahl: My review of the news or not obviously a medical person, but it looks like there's a chance at least that we may have to do distance learning again and I want to be ready for it and find ways to improve on what we've done my king of the next slide. 120 00:29:59.790 --> 00:30:07.260 Matt Landahl: So Henry and I are going to sort of tag team on these slides a little bit, but this is just review, we talked about it a little bit at the last meeting. 121 00:30:08.370 --> 00:30:14.070 Matt Landahl: But we will be sending out postcards and information about the election. 122 00:30:15.180 --> 00:30:19.530 Matt Landahl: And I think those are going out tomorrow and making go the next slide. 123 00:30:23.880 --> 00:30:31.410 Matt Landahl: And also just some important dates coming up as well. So may 21 is the last day for the Board of Education to approve the budget. 124 00:30:31.830 --> 00:30:47.520 Matt Landahl: We have a very crucial date that's between now and then and that is hearing from the governor's office in terms of how much state aid might be further reduced and we are obviously preparing for every contingency with that. 125 00:30:48.780 --> 00:30:58.890 Matt Landahl: But, but we're all kind of anxious at this point about what's going to happen further with the budget, our budget hearing will be done remotely and that's on June 1 126 00:31:00.180 --> 00:31:00.660 Matt Landahl: The 127 00:31:02.430 --> 00:31:06.990 Matt Landahl: The ballots will be collected by June 9 and the canvas of the voting. 128 00:31:08.100 --> 00:31:16.860 Matt Landahl: Will be happening on June 10 and we have question marks there. I wasn't able to attend a regional superintendent meeting last Friday. 129 00:31:18.480 --> 00:31:25.350 Matt Landahl: But there was talking about when the budget revoked would be if there needed to be one and you have to do that. If your 130 00:31:26.490 --> 00:31:32.760 Matt Landahl: budget does not get approved. And so we're awaiting information. If that even occurs. And when that would happen. 131 00:31:33.810 --> 00:31:50.850 Matt Landahl: If you, if we if there isn't a budget revolt, then the district would have to go to a contingency budget and and that would be essentially we would be operating on the same level of funding that we're using this year. So that would be a lot of drastic cuts. 132 00:31:51.990 --> 00:31:57.810 Matt Landahl: To have the district go forward. So the next slide, and he's going to do and just kind of review. 133 00:31:58.920 --> 00:32:02.010 Matt Landahl: Where we are with our actual budget numbers. 134 00:32:04.680 --> 00:32:11.220 Ann Marie Quartironi: So this slide shows where the budget numbers lay right now it looks very similar to 135 00:32:11.910 --> 00:32:21.690 Ann Marie Quartironi: Prior presentations. You'll notice, the only difference that you will not see as a column for bus proposition. And we usually allocate money to pay for the band. 136 00:32:21.960 --> 00:32:33.330 Ann Marie Quartironi: When we purchase bosses, because we do finance them over five years to match the transportation aid, but we had, we had asked the board at the special meeting last Wednesday to 137 00:32:34.230 --> 00:32:41.970 Ann Marie Quartironi: Not jump to basically revoke a resolution that we had previously past past to purchase buses. 138 00:32:42.480 --> 00:32:54.300 Ann Marie Quartironi: So the thought process was since this is going to be a tight fiscal year. We wanted to use as many resources as we could, for the budget itself, not knowing what the state aid number decreased will be 139 00:32:55.410 --> 00:33:02.070 Ann Marie Quartironi: At the end of this week and then to further measurement periods. So we work with transportation department. 140 00:33:02.550 --> 00:33:13.590 Ann Marie Quartironi: And you know, we felt that this was not something that needed to happen this year and this will help us you know go forward with the budget. So for right now. This is the way the budget looks 141 00:33:14.490 --> 00:33:28.110 Ann Marie Quartironi: We are at the the tax cap under the levee for 2021 and that's our state aid number at when the budget was approved a few weeks ago. And we're waiting, some more information, making down the next slide. 142 00:33:31.890 --> 00:33:40.830 Ann Marie Quartironi: So this slide we had talked about at a prior meeting as well. Part of the state aid budget was a pandemic adjustment. That was a reduction of the aid. 143 00:33:41.760 --> 00:33:54.960 Ann Marie Quartironi: That Governor Cuomo had put out. We are anxiously awaiting an update on May 15. So for right now, the pandemic adjustment decrease also equals the federal care Zach restoration, the federal government amount 144 00:33:55.890 --> 00:34:05.100 Ann Marie Quartironi: The federal government amount right now is staying at that and we're thinking we might get a little bit of a change in the pandemic adjustment. The Department of budget. 145 00:34:06.390 --> 00:34:14.520 Ann Marie Quartironi: In the state level had mentioned may 15 so we were recommended to kind of wait and vote on the budget right after May 15 146 00:34:15.090 --> 00:34:26.370 Ann Marie Quartironi: On. So that's why our board our board meeting is rescheduled to adopt the budget on May 20 which is next week. And that's all detailed into the budget calendar that's on the agenda tonight. 147 00:34:27.630 --> 00:34:29.280 Ann Marie Quartironi: My, can you go down to the next slide. 148 00:34:32.880 --> 00:34:47.520 Matt Landahl: So I'll just jump in. We like to just do a review of we have had some growth over the last few years with our budget net and added some really crucial pieces and so 149 00:34:48.570 --> 00:35:05.250 Matt Landahl: So we've added quite a few staff member seven to to all of our elementary schools have benefited from this class size reductions and we got that average down to about cross. It was about 18.4 18.5 this year. 150 00:35:06.450 --> 00:35:15.870 Matt Landahl: We added fourth grade instrumental music. A few years ago, an additional social worker at the high school halftime our teacher position at the high school 151 00:35:17.580 --> 00:35:18.810 Matt Landahl: We went one to one. 152 00:35:19.920 --> 00:35:26.940 Matt Landahl: For Chromebooks and we always talked about the secondary level. We talked a little bit less how there's a Chromebook for every elementary student 153 00:35:27.480 --> 00:35:38.490 Matt Landahl: And just hugely thankful, both to the board and my Keely for our director of technology for for making this happen for the district. 154 00:35:39.090 --> 00:35:46.590 Matt Landahl: Because it's the fact that we are able to just go so smoothly into Chromebooks for all of our students. I 155 00:35:47.280 --> 00:35:52.470 Matt Landahl: I mentioned earlier in the presentation that that week of March 16 was when all this stuff rolled out 156 00:35:52.860 --> 00:36:06.990 Matt Landahl: And we, we had a Chromebook in the hands of almost all of our students. By the end of that week. And frankly, the only students who didn't have one were some of our kindergarten classes for the teachers wanted to do paper and pencil activities and not use a Chromebook. 157 00:36:08.070 --> 00:36:14.340 Matt Landahl: So so the so the community support for that and the district support in the board support for that has been huge. 158 00:36:14.880 --> 00:36:24.480 Matt Landahl: And I'm incredibly thankful that we were ready like we were for that to happen. And then lastly, and this one is is a sad one 159 00:36:24.930 --> 00:36:35.760 Matt Landahl: Because it will will be drastically reduced for next year, but we we we greatly revamped professional development in the district and provide a PD. 160 00:36:36.630 --> 00:36:44.730 Matt Landahl: For things like Responsive Classroom restorative practices and engagement institute an equity initiative with our 161 00:36:45.570 --> 00:36:58.350 Matt Landahl: With our school equity leadership teams. So we'll be able to keep some of that going in, in future years. But it will look different. And we'll have to do it much more cheaply miking go the next slide. 162 00:37:01.410 --> 00:37:08.460 Matt Landahl: So I just wanted to talk about an emery may jump in on some of the some of the budget considerations that we're going over right now. 163 00:37:09.990 --> 00:37:14.220 Matt Landahl: So we're looking at two, two of our elementary 164 00:37:15.660 --> 00:37:23.850 Matt Landahl: People are leaving and and at least right now. It could be more but to have our elementary positions are leaving and that we would not be replacing those 165 00:37:24.450 --> 00:37:37.080 Matt Landahl: Now if that does not mean that a person who's retiring in a school means that's where the rule will be no teacher just means that we may have to relocate people across the district. Looking at our numbers. 166 00:37:37.890 --> 00:37:55.230 Matt Landahl: That change with our average to around 19.2 instead of 18.5 that would still be a class size average I'd be very proud to perform the community and comfortable with both as a superintendent and apparent and we feel like this, we feel like this would not 167 00:37:56.610 --> 00:38:01.530 Matt Landahl: Really dramatically impact or frankly impact our elementary programming at all. 168 00:38:02.850 --> 00:38:10.560 Matt Landahl: We're still identifying exactly where where this will happen. We're pretty clear. We know where but we want to make sure 169 00:38:11.160 --> 00:38:14.880 Matt Landahl: And so we'll talk about that more specifically in the next meeting, but 170 00:38:15.510 --> 00:38:26.460 Matt Landahl: Just speaking to an element elementary parents out there now elementary staff. Again, this will not be a drastic change class sizes will still be around 18 1920 171 00:38:26.970 --> 00:38:36.870 Matt Landahl: For next year we'll do our best to keep that focus, but these were two that we felt like we could keep our elementary program strong and not replace 172 00:38:37.500 --> 00:38:44.370 Matt Landahl: The business teacher that was actually proposed in last year's budget that we would not feel that we'd actually didn't fill it this year because we 173 00:38:45.000 --> 00:38:52.230 Matt Landahl: struggled to find the right person for the position, but we would continue not to fill that that we would not replace 174 00:38:52.830 --> 00:39:02.040 Matt Landahl: We have to middle school math teachers, leaving that we would not replace one of those positions, essentially, there's two that there's three math teachers at the eighth grade level. 175 00:39:02.820 --> 00:39:08.430 Matt Landahl: It's one more than the other grades and that we would not replace one at the eighth grade level. So it would not be a change 176 00:39:10.170 --> 00:39:15.870 Matt Landahl: It would not be a change in offerings at all. It would just be those class sizes would go up to around 20 177 00:39:17.310 --> 00:39:18.330 Matt Landahl: Or low 20s. 178 00:39:19.680 --> 00:39:33.270 Matt Landahl: I talked about a pretty drastic reduction in professional development. I was really excited last year to start our efforts and professional development we laid out a three year plan to the board, but considering what we're looking at now. 179 00:39:34.440 --> 00:39:44.040 Matt Landahl: That we there's no way we'd be able to continue it like we had planned so we will try to keep the momentum going. And we'll do everything possible to keep the momentum going. 180 00:39:44.580 --> 00:39:52.920 Matt Landahl: And and that could be through you know distance sessions with some of these presenters, or just try and find a way finding ways to do this more 181 00:39:54.750 --> 00:40:08.910 Matt Landahl: More efficiently with resources. So we're not going to stop the work, but it just won't be at the level that we were doing it before I do feel like we provide we created a great foundation in those areas with responsive class and restorative practices engagement. 182 00:40:10.110 --> 00:40:14.130 Matt Landahl: And the equity work and so that foundation. I think will really help us in years to come. 183 00:40:15.360 --> 00:40:26.070 Matt Landahl: Andrea and I and others are also looking across all of our departments for potential reductions and we'll be spending the next few days. Finalizing, some of them and 184 00:40:27.270 --> 00:40:41.460 Matt Landahl: And or identifying them so much of our work right now as a team is focused on finding every single budget reduction that is possible. So these budget reductions that we're putting in front of you. 185 00:40:43.050 --> 00:40:52.440 Matt Landahl: Are what we're thinking will help us get to where the governor is going to be. It could be worse. And so, you know, we may be coming back with some more reductions. 186 00:40:53.040 --> 00:41:03.240 Matt Landahl: And like I mentioned, if we were forced to go to a contingency budget, then the the the reductions would be much more dramatic. And we also will probably talk a little bit about that. 187 00:41:04.320 --> 00:41:07.830 Matt Landahl: At the next board meeting and raised there anything you would want to add to this process. 188 00:41:09.180 --> 00:41:25.590 Ann Marie Quartironi: Now the reductions in maintenance transportation and clerical right now are to not fill positions that are currently vacant. So this way you know it would be easier. It would be an easier transition, but like you said, if, if the reduction on Fridays, a little bit. 189 00:41:26.340 --> 00:41:27.990 Ann Marie Quartironi: More than what we're paying 190 00:41:28.560 --> 00:41:33.090 Ann Marie Quartironi: Or contingency budget, God forbid, we would have to do more than that. 191 00:41:35.520 --> 00:41:42.750 Matt Landahl: So. So just to review, we have a number of things besides the budget that we're working on right now our recovery plan. 192 00:41:43.380 --> 00:41:58.110 Matt Landahl: Is our is our recovery committee, it's planning for every contingency for next year that we possibly can. I can imagine also obviously following whatever guidelines which I assume are soon to come our way from the state. 193 00:41:58.650 --> 00:42:07.530 Matt Landahl: And the county for how best to do this really looking at learning our current learning model and trying to find ways to improve distance learning 194 00:42:08.220 --> 00:42:13.710 Matt Landahl: With the thinking that we might have to use it again next year and it's best to be ready and try to improve anything we do 195 00:42:14.280 --> 00:42:30.690 Matt Landahl: And also really looking at our budget and trying to find as many efficiency is efficiencies as possible with at least right now. Not dramatically impacting the student experience in the district. So that will be something that we're always looking at and trying to evaluate things through. 196 00:42:31.770 --> 00:42:40.740 Matt Landahl: I do mention sometimes that you know in these kinds of presentations that I look at this, both with the eyes of a superintendent, but also a parent. 197 00:42:41.370 --> 00:42:53.160 Matt Landahl: And the district. And I think both of those lenses are helpful for me. And so I really, we really try to look at every single thing we put out there, we try to look at them from every single angle. 198 00:42:53.730 --> 00:42:59.220 Matt Landahl: Humanly possible to make sure that we're making the right decision. And that is something that we feel comfortable moving forward with 199 00:43:00.690 --> 00:43:02.010 Matt Landahl: Also, just in summary. 200 00:43:03.990 --> 00:43:06.840 Matt Landahl: You know, we're, we're all going through 201 00:43:09.120 --> 00:43:09.600 Matt Landahl: Just 202 00:43:10.830 --> 00:43:27.420 Matt Landahl: An unbelievable time in history and both with health and with dramatic changes to our economy tied into that. And so we're all in the same struggle. And so, you know, I read different things to try to stay sane. 203 00:43:28.320 --> 00:43:36.450 Matt Landahl: In this. And one of the things that I read says that you really need to focus on being grateful or so gratitude during times like this and so 204 00:43:36.870 --> 00:43:47.280 Matt Landahl: I mentioned earlier in the presentation, but I have to say it again, just how grateful I am for both the staff that I work with in the community that I also work with 205 00:43:48.150 --> 00:43:59.310 Matt Landahl: With everything that we've done the last two months. Sure. We've, we've made mistakes we probably haven't done everything is perfect, as we could, but we really move quickly. 206 00:43:59.790 --> 00:44:09.450 Matt Landahl: I think we did it with a lot of heart and are doing it with a lot of heart and we're really trying to put our best foot forward with community. I'm very thankful to the community. 207 00:44:10.740 --> 00:44:20.460 Matt Landahl: Just with all the support they've given us over the last two months, just in terms of supporting calm and virtual Pat's on the back. 208 00:44:21.570 --> 00:44:32.580 Matt Landahl: You know questions that need clarified that help things run more smoothly and all of the above. So I'm very grateful for both staff and community for for helping us get through this. It seems obvious. 209 00:44:34.080 --> 00:44:40.350 Matt Landahl: After this presentation. And if you look, pay attention to anything in the news that we have more difficult times ahead. 210 00:44:41.040 --> 00:44:50.790 Matt Landahl: And so with the amazing staff that we have the amazing community and I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get through this in a way that's focused on students 211 00:44:51.510 --> 00:44:58.350 Matt Landahl: And that's focused on on, you know, still trying to move our strategic plan forward. 212 00:44:58.860 --> 00:45:08.190 Matt Landahl: And, you know, preparing back to that mission statement I put on our first slide preparing every single student, we have for learning life and work beyond school so 213 00:45:09.180 --> 00:45:22.410 Matt Landahl: So the other thing that's unprecedented right now is that we we stand in front of you today, or sit in front of you. In this case, in front of you today trying to talk about a budget that you need to approve. 214 00:45:24.210 --> 00:45:34.350 Matt Landahl: In a little bit more than a week and we still don't know of the things coming our way. With that budget. That being said, you know, we're working really hard to prepare for every contingency. 215 00:45:34.920 --> 00:45:47.460 Matt Landahl: So. So with that, I just want to throw it back. We can take the slides away and go back to the full screen mode but THROW OUT THERE FOR QUESTIONS FOR PEOPLE OR comments and and we're happy to try to answer. 216 00:45:51.720 --> 00:45:53.250 Anthony White: Any board members have questions. 217 00:45:57.330 --> 00:46:07.020 Mike Rutkoske: Yes, I have a question and Murray on the on the slide with the proposed budget for 2022 2021 218 00:46:08.100 --> 00:46:15.870 Mike Rutkoske: It looks like tax levy is what we talked about earlier. The 41.6 $9. So is it really so really the 219 00:46:17.130 --> 00:46:31.590 Mike Rutkoske: State, a portion. What is this, what is the 30 million for 20 represented, is it what we expect the state aid to be or or is this lower than then potentially it's going to be or what is that number. That number 220 00:46:31.860 --> 00:46:38.730 Ann Marie Quartironi: Reflects the allocation that beacon received in the final state budgets. So that's the number currently that we're working that we have 221 00:46:39.240 --> 00:46:39.630 Mike Rutkoske: Um, 222 00:46:39.780 --> 00:46:44.040 Ann Marie Quartironi: So since the tax levy is at the cap. There is no room to 223 00:46:44.220 --> 00:46:55.980 Ann Marie Quartironi: Increase that. So we're just kind of waiting. So we're seeing how much state A would be reduced and then basically the only other place to take it from would be the total budget so are things that 224 00:46:56.310 --> 00:47:02.340 Ann Marie Quartironi: Matt had just mentioned in the slide that we won't be incorporating in the budget when we bring it to you next week for adoption. 225 00:47:04.290 --> 00:47:06.960 Mike Rutkoske: But those reductions that we talked about is that 226 00:47:08.370 --> 00:47:22.920 Mike Rutkoske: Those taken into account in the total $75.9 million or those yet to be they will be still reduced if the state, a portion was reduced further if the state, a portion 227 00:47:22.920 --> 00:47:32.940 Ann Marie Quartironi: Was reduced, then we would have to talk about those to be grateful. They are all currently in the budget. I'm assuming the stated stays the same. So being optimistic. We're hoping 228 00:47:33.600 --> 00:47:39.510 Ann Marie Quartironi: That Friday, we don't get a reduction and then we can move forward with that budget, the way it is and ask the Board to adopt it next Wednesday. 229 00:47:42.240 --> 00:47:54.300 Mike Rutkoske: And how much what maybe out there. What does that represent like how with the with the reductions that you have on the plate now or that you could plan for what amount. Would that be able to absorb 230 00:47:54.990 --> 00:48:02.190 Ann Marie Quartironi: So we have a list. In addition to those things because obviously next Wednesday night, I have to talk about contingency as well. 231 00:48:02.850 --> 00:48:12.150 Ann Marie Quartironi: Just because we're it's uncertain whether we even have the opportunity to revoke. So I think that's an important piece to kind of get out to the community. So we have a list. 232 00:48:12.810 --> 00:48:25.290 Ann Marie Quartironi: That that equals over close to a million dollars so we won't need to hopefully use all of that right. We won't get a reduction in a have that much money. And we also hopefully will not go to contingency so 233 00:48:26.250 --> 00:48:39.300 Ann Marie Quartironi: We're planning for the worst and hoping that you know the best come comes forward. So, next Wednesday after Friday when they give us the state aid cut, then we can be concrete as to exactly what is not included in the budget. 234 00:48:39.780 --> 00:48:46.890 Ann Marie Quartironi: And then we'll also talk about additional cuts, we would have to make and contingency. So it's kind of a two step process but 235 00:48:46.950 --> 00:48:52.410 Matt Landahl: And I should throw out there if the, if, if the board feels like we need to have two meetings next week. 236 00:48:53.430 --> 00:48:59.730 Matt Landahl: To discuss a little bit before we adopt we're obviously happy to do that. If you're willing or need to 237 00:49:02.340 --> 00:49:04.050 Mike Rutkoske: All right, thank you. That's all the questions I had 238 00:49:06.510 --> 00:49:07.500 Anthony White: Any other questions. 239 00:49:09.660 --> 00:49:27.660 meredithheuer: And in terms of adding second meeting and then I guess we'll just get the news on the 15th and decide from there if it had a board members feel about that. Just like as long as it's not grievous shocking news. We can probably move forward with the budget, as is. 240 00:49:31.410 --> 00:49:33.060 Antony Tseng: I'm flexible Anthony 241 00:49:38.880 --> 00:49:39.330 Mike Rutkoske: Meter. 242 00:49:42.180 --> 00:49:43.500 Elissa: Yes, me too. Alyssa. 243 00:49:46.110 --> 00:49:46.530 Flora Stadler: Same 244 00:49:51.210 --> 00:49:51.480 Anthony White: Alright. 245 00:49:54.060 --> 00:50:01.410 Anthony White: Alright see no other questions. Um. Next item is we do have a proposed Executive Session. 246 00:50:01.860 --> 00:50:12.990 Anthony White: Um, I know through the agenda setting. There was nothing that the administrators needed to talk about. I kept it on there and Kate, the board member had anything about personnel that they needed to talk about that's on the agenda. 247 00:50:13.590 --> 00:50:23.280 Anthony White: Is anybody in the board feeling the need for Executive Session, because I have questions about some personnel or something that's a personal related for Executive Session. 248 00:50:27.510 --> 00:50:31.470 Anthony White: not hearing any I'm going to ask for emotion, then to waive the Executive Session. 249 00:50:37.440 --> 00:50:37.710 Mike Rutkoske: Or 250 00:50:39.420 --> 00:50:40.980 Anthony White: Comments or questions about 251 00:50:41.100 --> 00:50:41.760 Anthony White: About this 252 00:50:43.980 --> 00:50:49.680 Anthony White: Hearing none, I need emotion I need all those in favor of waving Executive Session. Thumbs up. 253 00:50:50.250 --> 00:50:52.710 Mike Rutkoske: Hi. Hi. Anthony 254 00:50:52.800 --> 00:50:54.360 Antony Tseng: Thumbs up. Okay. 255 00:50:55.260 --> 00:50:55.920 Opposed. 256 00:51:01.290 --> 00:51:01.710 Anthony White: All right. 257 00:51:13.020 --> 00:51:19.740 Anthony White: So I need a motion to wave agenda items on the student and school presentation and parent groups. 258 00:51:21.360 --> 00:51:22.020 So moved. 259 00:51:23.070 --> 00:51:23.520 Elissa: Second, 260 00:51:26.370 --> 00:51:26.760 Elissa: Yep. 261 00:51:29.070 --> 00:51:31.200 Anthony White: Comments or questions. All those in favor, 262 00:51:45.360 --> 00:52:00.300 Anthony White: Just so just for the record. There are two corrections to the agenda, it is onboard docs, but the Consent Agenda Item 7.07 to adopt the secret resolution has been removed and consent agenda. Seven point on nine 263 00:52:02.280 --> 00:52:07.740 Anthony White: The approval approved creation of Teacher Retirement reserve amended resolution. 264 00:52:11.730 --> 00:52:12.210 Anthony White: So, 265 00:52:12.360 --> 00:52:26.430 Anthony White: He conferred with our attorneys and the way our policy is written for 1230, it doesn't really fit the public comment for the video conferencing. So that's why it's on the agenda to wave policy 1230 266 00:52:27.630 --> 00:52:36.270 Anthony White: And then what we could do is then we can open it to public comment. I guess the way the wording is a policy 1230, it doesn't really go towards the 267 00:52:36.660 --> 00:52:44.880 Anthony White: Video conferencing public comment piece. So I need emotion to wave policy 1230 public comment to allow for the public to participate via video conference. 268 00:52:48.480 --> 00:52:49.020 Kristan Flynn: Second, 269 00:52:50.850 --> 00:52:51.900 Anthony White: Floor Kristin. 270 00:52:55.020 --> 00:52:56.340 Flora Stadler: Kristin, I think your 271 00:52:56.790 --> 00:52:57.840 Anthony White: Comments or questions. 272 00:52:59.280 --> 00:53:00.090 Anthony White: All those favor 273 00:53:00.960 --> 00:53:01.320 Aye. 274 00:53:04.050 --> 00:53:04.710 Anthony White: Opposed. 275 00:53:05.730 --> 00:53:08.880 Anthony White: Motion kato and now I'm going to 276 00:53:10.260 --> 00:53:18.750 Anthony White: Open it up to the public. If there is a public member on the video conference that would like to address the Board, there is a chat feature if you could just chat, your name. 277 00:53:19.800 --> 00:53:23.910 Anthony White: Then we can call on you and we can unmute you. So you can speak to the board. 278 00:53:42.660 --> 00:53:51.210 Anthony White: We're going to go to the next item on the agenda with this committee reports including for comments. We're going to start with the facilities and operation, Kristin. 279 00:53:55.290 --> 00:53:59.430 Kristan Flynn: We are still in the process of sorting out our next steps for 280 00:54:00.540 --> 00:54:02.370 Kristan Flynn: Our architect and engineering firm. 281 00:54:02.910 --> 00:54:03.390 Craig Wolf: Um, 282 00:54:03.810 --> 00:54:06.750 Kristan Flynn: I think the plan is that we will 283 00:54:08.640 --> 00:54:12.240 Kristan Flynn: That the administrators are going to have a recommendation for 284 00:54:13.350 --> 00:54:17.640 Kristan Flynn: An advanced of our next meeting, which I'm not sure when that's going to be exactly 285 00:54:19.980 --> 00:54:21.330 Kristan Flynn: Not when do you want to do that. 286 00:54:22.080 --> 00:54:27.780 Kristan Flynn: Do you want to do it. We typically they haven't this Wednesday, but I think that we, you're going to 287 00:54:28.320 --> 00:54:29.850 You're still in the process of talking 288 00:54:31.290 --> 00:54:32.250 Matt Landahl: Yeah, I think. 289 00:54:33.930 --> 00:54:34.920 Matt Landahl: I think the 290 00:54:37.350 --> 00:54:38.880 Matt Landahl: week after next would be best. 291 00:54:39.690 --> 00:54:40.050 Kristan Flynn: Especially 292 00:54:40.230 --> 00:54:40.980 Matt Landahl: We have to do 293 00:54:42.060 --> 00:54:43.050 Matt Landahl: If you know if 294 00:54:43.380 --> 00:54:47.670 Matt Landahl: If things get worse from Albany and we need to have a couple of board meetings next week and might be tough. 295 00:54:47.790 --> 00:54:49.080 Matt Landahl: To do several meetings, but 296 00:54:50.160 --> 00:54:52.110 Matt Landahl: The week after next I think would be perfect. 297 00:54:53.040 --> 00:54:56.220 Kristan Flynn: So that after Memorial Day, then like the 26th. 298 00:54:57.480 --> 00:54:58.410 Matt Landahl: I guess I 299 00:54:59.700 --> 00:55:01.530 Mike Rutkoske: Or, you know, is with zoom stuff I 300 00:55:01.560 --> 00:55:09.750 Matt Landahl: We can also fit stuff and I just know I'm working through it a little bit and making some headway. I just some worried about 301 00:55:11.100 --> 00:55:12.960 Matt Landahl: Friday's news throwing us off. 302 00:55:13.890 --> 00:55:14.400 Matt Landahl: Yes, well, 303 00:55:15.690 --> 00:55:18.990 Kristan Flynn: The weekend Napster be that would be may 27 304 00:55:19.050 --> 00:55:28.140 Kristan Flynn: So just tentatively scheduled something for May 27 and then we can always regroup and see where we are and 305 00:55:29.820 --> 00:55:36.990 Kristan Flynn: You know, it would be good to just get some sense of what's going on with the roof and that 306 00:55:38.130 --> 00:55:38.550 Matt Landahl: Right. 307 00:55:38.880 --> 00:55:40.770 Matt Landahl: That's okay, but 308 00:55:41.670 --> 00:55:47.880 Kristan Flynn: We can, we could even do am like I can talk to you, we could do a committee update and I could share it with the board. 309 00:55:48.240 --> 00:55:48.750 Matt Landahl: Sounds good. 310 00:55:51.480 --> 00:55:52.680 Anthony White: Did you have any other comments, Kristen. 311 00:55:54.690 --> 00:55:57.930 Kristan Flynn: No, I really do. Just want to. I know we're all in for 312 00:55:58.950 --> 00:56:01.980 Kristan Flynn: I think Roger racing for the news this coming week but I am 313 00:56:02.340 --> 00:56:03.930 Kristan Flynn: Again, we say it every meeting, but 314 00:56:04.080 --> 00:56:11.010 Kristan Flynn: super grateful for math leadership and everybody really stepping up during this hard time to. Thanks again. 315 00:56:13.800 --> 00:56:14.940 Anthony White: Any questions for Kristen. 316 00:56:18.510 --> 00:56:25.860 Anthony White: Alright, moving on to the next arm James is excused from the meeting. We did, we do not have any policies on 317 00:56:28.620 --> 00:56:32.760 Anthony White: Agenda, I don't know. Anthony or less or less, did you want to give a 318 00:56:33.960 --> 00:56:35.880 Anthony White: Any updates with the policy committee. 319 00:56:37.350 --> 00:56:40.950 Elissa: I don't, I don't have any updates for policy, um, 320 00:56:42.990 --> 00:56:47.760 Elissa: You haven't seen any new policies for review. So I really don't have anything to report. 321 00:56:48.570 --> 00:56:48.930 Anthony White: Yeah, we 322 00:56:49.050 --> 00:56:59.310 Antony Tseng: We did have a meeting in the beginning of the month on the first Monday of the month. And I think there are some policies that are pending the the agenda. Um, so it'll come out to the first reading soon. 323 00:57:00.960 --> 00:57:01.290 Antony Tseng: Okay. 324 00:57:02.850 --> 00:57:06.150 Anthony White: Did you get either one of you, unless, do you have any other comments. 325 00:57:07.470 --> 00:57:09.840 Elissa: Ah, no. Not tonight. Thank you. 326 00:57:10.260 --> 00:57:11.310 Anthony White: All right, Anthony. 327 00:57:11.700 --> 00:57:16.470 Antony Tseng: Um, does. Yeah, I mean, there's nothing going on with diversity committee because we can't meet but 328 00:57:17.520 --> 00:57:18.330 Antony Tseng: I did want to 329 00:57:19.830 --> 00:57:19.980 Antony Tseng: Do 330 00:57:21.000 --> 00:57:26.940 Antony Tseng: This is kind of, I guess, a harebrained idea, but I, I kind of wanted to know the board felt about 331 00:57:31.980 --> 00:57:41.580 Antony Tseng: Getting help and trying to find outside funding sources. I know we talked about grants couple times throughout a few years. 332 00:57:42.780 --> 00:57:54.660 Antony Tseng: And you know, we have been successful in some grants and I know they've helped us augment our our our our offerings to our kids. So, um, 333 00:57:55.770 --> 00:58:03.510 Antony Tseng: Yeah, you know, and I don't I don't I don't know if that's fair to make it all fall on on on Matt or 334 00:58:04.800 --> 00:58:12.540 Antony Tseng: I mean, I don't know, I just thought maybe perhaps there was a way to get, um, 335 00:58:13.770 --> 00:58:20.490 Antony Tseng: I guess an army of the willing are some interesting folks together with certain skill sets and and maybe we can 336 00:58:21.840 --> 00:58:22.920 Antony Tseng: Maybe we can do something 337 00:58:30.690 --> 00:58:31.890 Anthony White: Any questions for Anthony 338 00:58:35.400 --> 00:58:37.410 Anthony White: See none. We're going to go to Craig for 339 00:58:38.460 --> 00:58:40.710 Anthony White: Public Relations and advocacy. 340 00:58:41.700 --> 00:58:42.900 Craig Wolf: Okay. Are you hearing me 341 00:58:43.440 --> 00:58:45.210 Craig Wolf: Yep. Okay, good. 342 00:58:46.680 --> 00:59:00.630 Craig Wolf: So we've had some email exchanges with Meredith offering a draft of a statement that was suggested we should put this on the agenda for discussion and some appropriate point later on. 343 00:59:01.950 --> 00:59:02.550 Craig Wolf: And 344 00:59:04.710 --> 00:59:14.580 Craig Wolf: covers a number of topics of recent interest and is in the general category of advocacy. So I think everybody's had a chance to look at that and some have commented on it. 345 00:59:16.590 --> 00:59:19.440 Craig Wolf: Can we put that on the agenda for discussion at the 346 00:59:20.640 --> 00:59:21.210 Anthony White: Someplace 347 00:59:21.360 --> 00:59:22.110 For the 348 00:59:23.940 --> 00:59:25.020 Craig Wolf: So wants to make a motion. 349 00:59:25.020 --> 00:59:29.550 Anthony White: Craig to add it, add a advocacy letter on to the agenda. 350 00:59:30.900 --> 00:59:36.270 Craig Wolf: Okay, move, we had a discussion about it to have a letter and the agenda for later tonight. 351 00:59:37.710 --> 00:59:38.280 Anthony White: Or second 352 00:59:38.760 --> 00:59:39.630 Antony Tseng: At any seconds. 353 00:59:41.730 --> 00:59:42.690 Anthony White: That's the questions. 354 00:59:43.740 --> 00:59:44.580 Anthony White: All those in favor, 355 00:59:46.500 --> 00:59:46.830 Craig Wolf: Aye. 356 00:59:47.520 --> 00:59:47.760 Aye. 357 00:59:49.260 --> 00:59:50.340 Anthony White: Motion carries, data. 358 00:59:51.000 --> 00:59:53.730 Anthony White: So we'll add that Kelly, just for a minute. 359 00:59:55.140 --> 00:59:57.960 Anthony White: We will add that on as a 360 00:59:59.070 --> 01:00:03.900 Anthony White: 7.01 and we'll move the consent agenda to eight and then we'll 361 01:00:06.150 --> 01:00:10.860 Anthony White: Probably won't need the executive session for that's now he will join the meeting at nine. 362 01:00:13.290 --> 01:00:14.610 Anthony White: All right, Craig. Any other comments. 363 01:00:15.720 --> 01:00:16.440 Craig Wolf: No. That'll do it. 364 01:00:17.280 --> 01:00:18.480 Alright any questions for Craig. 365 01:00:21.330 --> 01:00:21.960 Anthony White: All right, Mike. 366 01:00:24.780 --> 01:00:26.760 Mike Rutkoske: No comments to offer. Thank you. 367 01:00:27.780 --> 01:00:28.050 Mike Rutkoske: Okay. 368 01:00:30.420 --> 01:00:31.170 meredithheuer: Um, 369 01:00:33.600 --> 01:00:45.720 meredithheuer: I don't have any comments, either. I missed the Duchess County School Board Association meeting on Thursday. I'm sorry I've last minute conflict. So just echoing the same thoughts of gratitude. 370 01:00:47.580 --> 01:00:48.240 Anthony White: For any 371 01:00:48.540 --> 01:00:50.610 Anthony White: Questions for man's flora. 372 01:00:52.110 --> 01:00:58.710 Flora Stadler: Yes, so I don't have any comments either just because the the wellness committee obviously isn't meeting right now but 373 01:00:59.370 --> 01:01:13.350 Flora Stadler: Just to echo what everyone else has said and what we've been saying for weeks. I'm, I'm so glad that we have the team that we do to carry us through this and I'm very grateful and and willing to help. However, I can. So thank you. 374 01:01:16.860 --> 01:01:18.060 Anthony White: And I have no comments. 375 01:01:18.510 --> 01:01:20.160 Kristan Flynn: I wanted to ask for a question. 376 01:01:20.520 --> 01:01:22.770 Anthony White: Oh, sure no one time I didn't ask. I 377 01:01:22.770 --> 01:01:23.460 Kristan Flynn: Know it wasn't 378 01:01:27.540 --> 01:01:28.980 Anthony White: A question about that and then 379 01:01:31.140 --> 01:01:37.200 Kristan Flynn: I'm no I just wanted to ask about or more. So just put the idea out there, not about work on you guys but 380 01:01:38.550 --> 01:01:44.820 Kristan Flynn: I, I was wondering if the, if we could develop or think about developing 381 01:01:46.440 --> 01:01:57.660 Kristan Flynn: Kind of like a mental health needs assessment survey that we could send out. I can find like a standard battery of questions for separation anxiety and agoraphobia, and 382 01:01:58.050 --> 01:02:02.160 Flora Stadler: You might even be able to reach out to the social workers and ask them. 383 01:02:03.690 --> 01:02:10.140 Kristan Flynn: Yeah, I mean I think what's, what would be interesting. And I don't know, Matt, maybe you can speak to the privacy concerns, but 384 01:02:12.090 --> 01:02:20.100 Kristan Flynn: I worked on these after September 11 come for New York City public schools. And it was so that they could develop a quick 385 01:02:20.640 --> 01:02:30.660 Kristan Flynn: They had already done their budgets and then have the money to develop like basically mental health curriculum, but they also found it was about 10,000 students in the five boroughs. 386 01:02:31.050 --> 01:02:42.300 Kristan Flynn: And the needs are different in different places. So, and then probably you know wouldn't be have to be as long as that when I tried to find it. If it's like three computers ago since 387 01:02:42.840 --> 01:02:51.000 Kristan Flynn: 20 years ago but um but the things that were interesting and especially because this would be a much smaller population. 388 01:02:51.540 --> 01:03:06.960 Kristan Flynn: Was just the things you don't think about or the ways in which kids process things. So there were really simple questions in the battery of the survey, but then even the open ends just how they phrase things and what was worrying them. 389 01:03:08.460 --> 01:03:18.780 Kristan Flynn: And then you could kind of see the patterns that developed. I just think if we're if we have the ability to gather that kind of feedback. And I don't know if it goes during wellness and bill. 390 01:03:19.920 --> 01:03:20.850 Kristan Flynn: That's true, my phone down 391 01:03:21.960 --> 01:03:30.930 Flora Stadler: You know, I think it's a great idea. I was saying men. Maybe we also reach out to the, the social workers to ask them what kind of questions. I think we should be asking as well. 392 01:03:31.020 --> 01:03:33.420 Flora Stadler: Right. Um, but yeah I 393 01:03:33.930 --> 01:03:34.650 Flora Stadler: I don't know. 394 01:03:34.950 --> 01:03:40.230 Flora Stadler: What that process would look like either. I'm not is really the one who would be able to to speak to that. 395 01:03:41.760 --> 01:03:48.600 Matt Landahl: I think we just doesn't necessarily need to be a formal committee action. I think we could just look into it and then try to 396 01:03:49.980 --> 01:03:51.030 Matt Landahl: Try to do something. 397 01:03:53.790 --> 01:03:56.070 Matt Landahl: I think it's a good idea, like I 398 01:03:57.090 --> 01:03:59.190 Matt Landahl: It's a, it's so it's such a 399 01:04:01.650 --> 01:04:13.890 Matt Landahl: This is like, you know, stating the obvious, but it's things are so different and we're still struggling to get used to this because like so often our go to thing is to check in with kids physically like to 400 01:04:14.610 --> 01:04:22.890 Matt Landahl: To go to a class or talk to a group of kids or, you know, do it individually, and we just don't have that ability right now. 401 01:04:24.720 --> 01:04:35.580 Matt Landahl: But I think it's a good idea. I'll look into some hours. If you guys find some you can send them my way and I'll work. I'll talk to staff to I know the PPS department, you know, 402 01:04:36.600 --> 01:04:43.410 Matt Landahl: Has really been leading the way with a lot of mental health issues sort of internally and trying to provide support. So I'll talk to them to 403 01:04:46.050 --> 01:04:48.030 Kristan Flynn: The other thing is I would add is 404 01:04:50.160 --> 01:04:55.170 Kristan Flynn: I thought about it too, with the CNN did a town hall for kids and 405 01:04:57.120 --> 01:05:05.580 Kristan Flynn: It was with Sesame Street was in partnership with them and my my kids watched it and I it was fascinating to watch 406 01:05:06.270 --> 01:05:15.030 Kristan Flynn: Something kind of brought to their level and talking to direct directly to them and sort of answering questions about their experience and I just saw like 407 01:05:15.750 --> 01:05:26.280 Kristan Flynn: I think just you forget, as adults, you just kind of put your own spin and like what's important to you in the way and I think we're trying to make sure that they get the 408 01:05:26.850 --> 01:05:29.820 Kristan Flynn: educational needs met, and all the boxes checked and 409 01:05:30.750 --> 01:05:39.660 Kristan Flynn: There's some real fears that are brewing in ways that I think we don't totally understand. And it would be really great to get the student perspective and I watched my kids after they 410 01:05:40.140 --> 01:05:46.980 Kristan Flynn: Saw that how the temperature sort of came down and they were able to kind of articulate things. So even if it 411 01:05:47.490 --> 01:05:57.690 Kristan Flynn: Feeds into the circle work that we've been doing, if there's a way to do like if we start to see patterns of things that kids want to talk about, we could maybe do virtual circles where they 412 01:05:58.320 --> 01:06:02.520 Kristan Flynn: Are able to share and express and connect around things that are making them nervous or things that 413 01:06:03.630 --> 01:06:06.300 Kristan Flynn: Maybe they even like about what's going on, but just 414 01:06:07.350 --> 01:06:11.670 Matt Landahl: I know that just mediation is starting to do some virtual circles with us, but 415 01:06:13.950 --> 01:06:21.690 Matt Landahl: But that being said, I think getting a sense of, sort of a larger scale level but kids are worried about right now makes a lot of sense. 416 01:06:22.950 --> 01:06:30.090 Matt Landahl: I mean, honestly, it also it helps us both in the in the now but it helps us plan, I think, which is what you're getting at, you know, 417 01:06:30.150 --> 01:06:32.400 Kristan Flynn: Yeah, so it helps us 418 01:06:32.430 --> 01:06:47.700 Matt Landahl: Deal with things right now but it helps us plan over the summer for how we whatever it's going to look like that we prepare for that because I, as a parent, without getting into specifics, I worry about all of that part of it a lot. So 419 01:06:47.760 --> 01:06:48.120 Kristan Flynn: Yeah. 420 01:06:48.570 --> 01:06:57.930 Kristan Flynn: I think we can get through a lot of the other stuff if there, if if kids are sound and feel sound, but I do know from that experience when I worked on that project. 421 01:06:58.560 --> 01:07:11.190 Kristan Flynn: That we had because of the design of the sample, we had to get into very specific schools into very specific classes in order to meet our statistical model and 422 01:07:11.790 --> 01:07:20.340 Kristan Flynn: A lot of times, you know, the principles would say, well, we're all the way out and you know for sales queen. So we were nowhere near Ground Zero. So there wasn't a problem there. 423 01:07:20.880 --> 01:07:32.550 Kristan Flynn: Um, or, you know, our kids are fine, but then the fascinating thing is you would get these surveys back and the things kids mentioned, you know, they're picking up on so much and 424 01:07:33.210 --> 01:07:38.070 Kristan Flynn: And processing it in their own way and they're not really free to talk about it and then it becomes this sort of 425 01:07:38.670 --> 01:07:50.160 Kristan Flynn: Monster, even if with kids who hadn't been directly affected. So think obviously our entire student body has been affected. It'll be interesting to know. And yes, it helps strategically. It helps you plan your dollars. 426 01:07:53.580 --> 01:07:54.240 Matt Landahl: It's good idea 427 01:07:57.870 --> 01:07:58.650 Antony Tseng: I support that. 428 01:08:01.860 --> 01:08:02.220 Anthony White: All right. 429 01:08:03.630 --> 01:08:04.860 Anthony White: Any other questions before 430 01:08:06.630 --> 01:08:07.590 Anthony White: I have no comments, either. 431 01:08:09.000 --> 01:08:23.100 Craig Wolf: Before we leave it as one other thing I wanted to bring up Craig, we have our board elections and budgets are coming up and because of the changes they were imposed from the governor's office. 432 01:08:24.180 --> 01:08:25.200 Craig Wolf: All of us who were 433 01:08:26.220 --> 01:08:36.540 Craig Wolf: On the board, whose terms expire needed to file basically a statement of one thing that your petition, basically, which I did. I thought it would be appropriate. 434 01:08:37.380 --> 01:08:51.120 Craig Wolf: For those of us who are planning to stand for election doesn't seem like running because we can't even get out gather signatures, but in England, they call it standing for election. So I'm standing 435 01:08:52.440 --> 01:09:06.360 Craig Wolf: And I'm wondering about the other people and the sent in their petitions to be able to be on the ballot that has there been any other petitions championed by the other people who are presently on the board. 436 01:09:10.710 --> 01:09:15.990 Anthony White: Okay, I know I was up for re election I sent in mind the deadline was today at five o'clock, so I don't know. 437 01:09:17.220 --> 01:09:18.300 Anthony White: If anybody else did. 438 01:09:19.530 --> 01:09:23.490 Anthony White: I'll let Chris Christian was up for reelection. If she put in or herself. 439 01:09:23.880 --> 01:09:25.140 Anthony White: So, Kristin. Kristin, I 440 01:09:25.260 --> 01:09:27.180 Anthony White: Both are put in our letters, Craig. 441 01:09:27.750 --> 01:09:28.320 Anthony White: And I know that 442 01:09:28.830 --> 01:09:32.430 Anthony White: Today at five o'clock, so I haven't checked with the district to see if anybody else it or not. 443 01:09:32.970 --> 01:09:34.650 Matt Landahl: And we didn't receive any others. 444 01:09:36.750 --> 01:09:37.380 Okay, thank you. 445 01:09:40.020 --> 01:09:50.490 Anthony White: Alright, so now we're going to move to the Adam. Adam added to the agenda, which was a discussion about a letter and advocacy letter that marathon drafted for the board so 446 01:09:51.330 --> 01:09:57.840 Anthony White: I know Craig you added it to the agenda, Meredith, do you want to start out with discussion as to the rationale behind a letter or 447 01:09:59.430 --> 01:10:00.000 meredithheuer: Sure, yes. 448 01:10:00.990 --> 01:10:02.280 Craig Wolf: So what what happened. 449 01:10:03.330 --> 01:10:05.610 Craig Wolf: I think Meredith got inspired 450 01:10:06.630 --> 01:10:16.860 Craig Wolf: I wouldn't be surprised at first that kind of ticked off at some of the things that are going on at the state level and saw some problems with what is coming down from Albany sushi. 451 01:10:18.150 --> 01:10:20.790 Craig Wolf: Burn the midnight oil and wrote up a piece 452 01:10:21.960 --> 01:10:31.890 Craig Wolf: And before discussing this, the discipline to say that we should realize what we did it the last meeting was to consider three 453 01:10:33.300 --> 01:10:45.270 Craig Wolf: Kind of formalized statements and spent a good deal of time on one sentence until we finally came to almost a consensus. And that was an eight to one vote so 454 01:10:46.320 --> 01:10:54.960 Craig Wolf: I think we have to understand here that if we're going to do some effective advocacy. We're going to need to cut each other a little bit of slack. 455 01:10:55.770 --> 01:11:05.070 Craig Wolf: We can all play Super editor all day long and supercritical all night long, but we won't get very far. If we elect to do that. 456 01:11:05.820 --> 01:11:17.310 Craig Wolf: So that's my luminary statement. And at that point I would suggest turning it over to America, just to give some background on why she decided to to rise up this piece. 457 01:11:19.020 --> 01:11:19.830 Anthony White: Thank you, Craig. 458 01:11:22.380 --> 01:11:38.490 meredithheuer: Well, I think, Craig it pretty well. I feel like things are moving very quickly in Albany with a lot with not a lot of transparency and just big names being announced as being part of the solution, but a lot of little names missing. 459 01:11:39.360 --> 01:11:40.920 meredithheuer: So I 460 01:11:41.010 --> 01:11:50.880 meredithheuer: wrote this on kind of as a way to share what we are experiencing. I think it's not that easy to just as a you know a parent. 461 01:11:51.450 --> 01:12:04.830 meredithheuer: Or a citizen to keep in touch with what's going on. You can watch promos. Press, press conferences, but they they actually don't give a lot of detail and and a lot of detail is missing. So I put together this letter that basically 462 01:12:05.910 --> 01:12:07.080 meredithheuer: Tells a little bit about 463 01:12:07.710 --> 01:12:11.490 meredithheuer: What kool Moe is doing with his reimagined New York initiative. 464 01:12:12.900 --> 01:12:18.810 meredithheuer: criticizes the fact that there are not. I think there's one parent now on the committee but 465 01:12:19.980 --> 01:12:24.810 meredithheuer: You know i don't think i don't know that there are any K through 12 teachers superintendents 466 01:12:26.490 --> 01:12:39.150 meredithheuer: But Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt two billionaires that have very deep roots in technology and stand to profit from public education becoming more technology oriented. 467 01:12:39.780 --> 01:12:46.590 meredithheuer: Have been invited. And then there are a couple quotes from the teachers union and from a parent group. 468 01:12:47.040 --> 01:12:54.600 meredithheuer: Criticizing that move on and also just summarizing a little bit of what we are facing here, the kinds of the decisions we make. 469 01:12:55.050 --> 01:13:07.230 meredithheuer: Have real, immediate impact on our students. And so just listed a couple of the well. Several of the things that we've been able to do over the past few years, as we stabilize the district's it's Matt arrived. 470 01:13:07.800 --> 01:13:19.080 meredithheuer: And and also I did I was also responding to a letter from those published to the New York Times by an eighth grader who saying she really loved distance learning 471 01:13:19.530 --> 01:13:25.800 meredithheuer: And one of the reasons she said she didn't she really liked it is because she was no longer her learning was no longer disrupted. 472 01:13:26.280 --> 01:13:31.260 meredithheuer: By disruptive students. And that, for me, just really set off. 473 01:13:31.860 --> 01:13:40.710 meredithheuer: A lot of frustration, thinking about our strategic planning and the attributes that we'd figured out that we wanted our ideal graduate to leave beacon schools with 474 01:13:41.220 --> 01:13:56.790 meredithheuer: And empathy was top of that list. And this just felt like exactly why distance learning cannot do the same job as in person learning. So it's a long letter. I'm thinking of it as the first of many, but 475 01:13:58.020 --> 01:14:01.590 meredithheuer: I did try to remove anything that would be 476 01:14:03.900 --> 01:14:12.990 meredithheuer: You know, after our last conversation. I think I really recognize what feels like it gets everyone in their corners and I really think that there's so much that we agree on. I tried to 477 01:14:14.100 --> 01:14:24.330 meredithheuer: I tried to stick with that and I would like to send this to our elected officials. I'd also like to send it to the Highlands current Gipsy journal New York Times 478 01:14:26.070 --> 01:14:43.140 meredithheuer: And yeah, keep keep looking at what's going on in the last thing that I mentioned letter is that, you know, our, our legislative body is not met. And so it's kind of just like a one man show putting this budget together and it doesn't feel it doesn't feel transparent. It doesn't feel 479 01:14:44.490 --> 01:14:48.570 meredithheuer: Like democracy. And so I have a lot of issues with that as well. 480 01:14:51.450 --> 01:14:52.770 Anthony White: Any other questions or comments. 481 01:14:56.550 --> 01:15:00.570 Kristan Flynn: I'm really excited by it, I know it is long, but I think it's something that 482 01:15:01.590 --> 01:15:09.750 Kristan Flynn: Covered and it sort of covers all the ground that I think we need to cover and we can always take pieces and focus on them. 483 01:15:10.980 --> 01:15:14.730 Kristan Flynn: Separately, and in greater detail. But I think it's really 484 01:15:15.750 --> 01:15:24.480 Kristan Flynn: I think it's really important to kind of covered the whole scope of what we're facing here. And I think a lot of pressure is being put on 485 01:15:25.170 --> 01:15:33.870 Kristan Flynn: local school districts and then multiply that by 10 for school districts that have been waiting for state aid and I think it's 486 01:15:34.380 --> 01:15:47.340 Kristan Flynn: We really do need to speak up for ourselves because that those press conferences every day are you know i watch them. It's definitely a bully pulpit that we can't compete with and 487 01:15:48.360 --> 01:15:57.780 Kristan Flynn: I do feel like the governor is defining a narrative that is not necessarily accurate and certainly does not 488 01:15:58.920 --> 01:16:02.610 Kristan Flynn: Reflect the complexity that we're faced with and 489 01:16:03.390 --> 01:16:13.650 Kristan Flynn: Just on a personal note, as the parent of a child who has a disability learning this way is not is not easy and 490 01:16:14.310 --> 01:16:27.090 Kristan Flynn: It's definitely not a solution for all our kids. And so I think it's really important that we start talking about this as board members as parents, and as you know citizens in New York. I think it's really good. 491 01:16:28.890 --> 01:16:34.740 Anthony White: I thought you did a really good job with the letter I thought that you touched upon many several, several points that need to be touched upon. 492 01:16:35.070 --> 01:16:43.800 Anthony White: I also wanted to add that I shared with the board arm EARLIER TODAY I'M SORRY TO GET TO sooner but Thomas cheetah Napoli the state controller. 493 01:16:44.340 --> 01:16:57.240 Anthony White: Came out in April of 2020 with a state fiscal year 21 and acting budget budgeting in a time of crisis if you paid attention. And if you could read it I think pages nine and 13 and the report really 494 01:16:58.050 --> 01:17:07.200 Anthony White: really resonate and show as to what we could do to looking at reallocating and how the federal government is working and what they're going to be supporting as well. 495 01:17:07.470 --> 01:17:13.020 Anthony White: But I think it's important that if you make yourself aware of what they're looking at for budgeting and a time of crisis. 496 01:17:13.320 --> 01:17:22.470 Anthony White: As to what their what their thinking is and how it could impact education pieces. So, but I thought the letter was great. I have no problem saying, I fully support it and 497 01:17:22.830 --> 01:17:30.660 Anthony White: You know, I think we should definitely put it up as a hey the Horde supports it, and let's get it out to people that we need to get it out to 498 01:17:32.880 --> 01:17:37.950 Flora Stadler: I agree this is flora. I thought it was great and on point and important. 499 01:17:40.410 --> 01:17:43.500 Elissa: As well. I am as I'm reading it right now. 500 01:17:44.760 --> 01:17:48.780 Elissa: I'm glad that you're saying newspapers, because I said read 501 01:17:51.150 --> 01:17:53.010 Elissa: The community to 502 01:17:54.930 --> 01:17:56.220 Elissa: At the end, and this 503 01:17:58.290 --> 01:18:10.380 Craig Wolf: Would like to add that we should also post it on our website. Sometimes we make statements that we send off the politicians or somebody who is in high office somewhere. 504 01:18:11.640 --> 01:18:28.260 Craig Wolf: But we should not neglect our, our whole base here in town, all of the students, parents voters taxpayers and anybody else who reads it. So we have a place on our website where we can post news. 505 01:18:29.670 --> 01:18:38.910 Craig Wolf: So that's probably a good thing for the administration to think about how the internal systems that we have can be better used to get this kind of word out. 506 01:18:42.840 --> 01:18:56.280 Anthony White: So, um, do we want to make a resolution to to send it. Our do we want to take a vote to have have it be sent out to our elected officials and our the newspapers. 507 01:18:59.490 --> 01:19:00.660 meredithheuer: That's fine with me. 508 01:19:01.500 --> 01:19:04.530 Anthony White: Okay, so I need a motion to 509 01:19:04.860 --> 01:19:06.450 Craig Wolf: Send a letter that was shared with the 510 01:19:06.450 --> 01:19:15.000 Anthony White: Board and send it out to all relevant elected officials and area news papers and post it on our website. 511 01:19:18.570 --> 01:19:19.170 Craig Wolf: Second, 512 01:19:20.070 --> 01:19:24.420 Anthony White: For your it's a second so Alyssa got the so moved and for 513 01:19:25.890 --> 01:19:26.790 Anthony White: All those in favor, 514 01:19:27.450 --> 01:19:27.870 I 515 01:19:29.940 --> 01:19:30.630 Anthony White: Post 516 01:19:31.530 --> 01:19:45.150 Anthony White: Motion carried. 801 second 517 01:20:00.450 --> 01:20:08.820 Anthony White: Alright, moving on to the consent agenda. The agenda the agenda from. It's a Board of Education make more effective use of his time. 518 01:20:09.450 --> 01:20:17.910 Anthony White: On by adopting a single emotion to cover those relatively routine matters which are included any member of the board who wishes to discuss individually a particular piece of business. 519 01:20:18.210 --> 01:20:29.280 Anthony White: On the consent agenda and may so indicate in the enemy will be considered voted on separately. That's preserving the right of our board members to be heard of any issue. Is there any. Is there any item on the extension that board member would like pulled 520 01:20:30.720 --> 01:20:34.050 meredithheuer: And I would like to pull or 521 01:20:35.670 --> 01:20:41.580 meredithheuer: The so the seeker resolution is not on the agenda anymore or 522 01:20:42.630 --> 01:20:46.470 meredithheuer: Do we have to vote. Is that like Derby voting on it being removed. 523 01:20:50.160 --> 01:20:55.950 Ann Marie Quartironi: Actually being removed because at the last board meeting in April, when Dan 524 01:20:56.400 --> 01:21:08.550 Ann Marie Quartironi: drafted the language he included all of the parts that were needed in the seeker when we won the board declared the roof repair being an emergency. So it had all the same language, the seeker we received from 525 01:21:09.330 --> 01:21:19.110 Ann Marie Quartironi: Our architect, so I didn't think it was done, but Dan caught it before we came to this meeting. So he told us to strike it because we had already done it. 526 01:21:19.980 --> 01:21:20.430 Okay. 527 01:21:22.320 --> 01:21:25.380 meredithheuer: Um, so I just wanted to pull 7.09 528 01:21:28.410 --> 01:21:31.590 Antony Tseng: Like the pool 811 that's a schedule. 529 01:21:34.590 --> 01:21:36.390 meredithheuer: Oh, sorry. It's eight 8.09 yeah 530 01:21:37.980 --> 01:21:39.600 Anthony White: 8.8 11 531 01:21:43.170 --> 01:21:44.130 Anthony White: Any other items. 532 01:21:46.560 --> 01:22:00.630 Anthony White: Hearing none, I need a motion to approve 7.01 through seven point 10 minus. I'm sorry. I need a motion to approve a point oh one through eight point 10 minus 8.09 533 01:22:02.670 --> 01:22:03.570 Antony Tseng: But wait. 534 01:22:03.870 --> 01:22:04.920 Antony Tseng: What about 11 535 01:22:05.430 --> 01:22:08.280 Anthony White: I didn't include it in. I went to 10 instead of a lot. Oh. 536 01:22:08.280 --> 01:22:09.390 Antony Tseng: That's, that's right. You did. 537 01:22:13.740 --> 01:22:14.910 Anthony White: It was a second or less. 538 01:22:15.000 --> 01:22:15.480 Elissa: Yeah yeah 539 01:22:17.070 --> 01:22:19.950 Anthony White: Comments or questions. All those in favor, 540 01:22:20.280 --> 01:22:21.420 Kristan Flynn: Aye. Aye. 541 01:22:24.360 --> 01:22:25.200 Anthony White: Motion carried. 542 01:22:25.230 --> 01:22:25.770 Eight. Oh. 543 01:22:28.560 --> 01:22:31.440 Anthony White: All right, I need a motion for 8.09 544 01:22:33.690 --> 01:22:34.410 meredithheuer: So moved. 545 01:22:35.520 --> 01:22:35.970 Antony Tseng: Second, 546 01:22:37.800 --> 01:22:39.420 Anthony White: Comments or questions go ahead, Meredith. 547 01:22:40.380 --> 01:22:45.630 meredithheuer: I just want it was wondering if you could explain the name change. I'm sure it's not a big deal but 548 01:22:47.340 --> 01:22:59.520 Ann Marie Quartironi: Um, so again, Dan was extremely helpful. Looking at our resolution. So this is the legal language that needs to be on a board resolution to create a Teachers Retirement reserve. 549 01:23:00.210 --> 01:23:02.400 Ann Marie Quartironi: So when it was created last year. 550 01:23:02.640 --> 01:23:14.460 Ann Marie Quartironi: It has to be called a reserve sub funds resolution because technically a TRS reserve is this sub one of the ERS reserved on which we already have on our books. 551 01:23:15.090 --> 01:23:23.520 Ann Marie Quartironi: So that's the way they characterize it. I also know that Craig in an email ask some questions about the funding part which is needed to be in the resolution. 552 01:23:23.820 --> 01:23:34.020 Ann Marie Quartironi: Anyway, talks about the 2% of teachers salaries per year that can be allocated towards that reserve. Um, so that's why the change so 553 01:23:34.590 --> 01:23:42.930 Ann Marie Quartironi: There's specific language that was passed last year by como and that language has to be in the resolution, you can't just create a TRS reserve, it has to be done this way. 554 01:23:46.380 --> 01:23:47.280 Anthony White: Any other questions. 555 01:23:49.260 --> 01:23:50.190 Anthony White: All those in favor, 556 01:23:51.570 --> 01:23:52.050 Flora Stadler: Right. 557 01:23:52.230 --> 01:23:53.310 Craig Wolf: Hi. Hey. 558 01:23:53.430 --> 01:23:53.970 Craig Wolf: Who's 559 01:23:54.660 --> 01:23:55.380 Motion carry 560 01:23:57.360 --> 01:23:59.700 Anthony White: Any emotion for eight point 11 561 01:24:01.230 --> 01:24:02.400 Antony Tseng: Moshe free put 11 562 01:24:03.240 --> 01:24:03.930 Their second 563 01:24:05.160 --> 01:24:05.580 meredithheuer: Second, 564 01:24:07.500 --> 01:24:08.640 Anthony White: Camera two questions. 565 01:24:09.420 --> 01:24:10.650 Antony Tseng: So I'm 566 01:24:12.300 --> 01:24:17.520 Antony Tseng: So were we were only cast for this meeting. So they're all started seven. That's what it says on top. Right. 567 01:24:18.150 --> 01:24:25.650 Antony Tseng: And then we're canceling the 19th, we are, but we are having a 20th we're canceling the eighth, but we're having the first 568 01:24:26.820 --> 01:24:29.610 Antony Tseng: And then we're having the canvas on the 10th. 569 01:24:30.630 --> 01:24:34.440 Antony Tseng: From the election on the ninth. Is that how that reads 570 01:24:34.950 --> 01:24:36.420 Antony Tseng: Yes. Okay. 571 01:24:37.590 --> 01:24:44.250 Antony Tseng: And then the 22nd. Alright, just want to confirm that I understood what I was wanting on. Thank you very much. 572 01:24:46.050 --> 01:24:49.500 Anthony White: Any other questions. Yes. I was wondering if there's 573 01:24:49.500 --> 01:24:56.760 Craig Wolf: No time set for that canvassing, is that something we'll have to do later when we figure out the details or how does it work. 574 01:24:57.090 --> 01:25:00.840 Anthony White: Because it's the next day. It could be a seven o'clock, I'm assuming, correct me. 575 01:25:01.110 --> 01:25:01.680 Yes. 576 01:25:03.090 --> 01:25:03.540 Elissa: Okay. 577 01:25:07.500 --> 01:25:09.270 Anthony White: That's for the cancelled meeting unless 578 01:25:15.330 --> 01:25:16.320 Anthony White: Any other questions. 579 01:25:18.540 --> 01:25:20.460 Anthony White: See none. All those in favor, 580 01:25:21.090 --> 01:25:21.570 I 581 01:25:24.270 --> 01:25:24.840 Anthony White: Posed 582 01:25:25.950 --> 01:25:26.280 Anthony White: moshing 583 01:25:34.200 --> 01:25:37.890 Anthony White: Is there any executive session material that anyone remember has 584 01:25:40.710 --> 01:25:42.090 Anthony White: Any administrator have anything 585 01:25:44.220 --> 01:25:45.990 Anthony White: All right, I need a motion to adjourn the meeting. 586 01:25:46.440 --> 01:25:47.250 Antony Tseng: Anthony somebody 587 01:25:54.060 --> 01:26:02.640 Anthony White: Alright, everybody. Have a nice night. Thank you all for your participation. I'm hopefully good news from the governor this week. All right, let's cross our fingers. 588 01:26:04.800 --> 01:26:05.160 Ann Marie Quartironi: Right. 589 01:26:06.990 --> 01:26:07.260 Anthony White: Right. 590 01:26:09.420 --> 01:26:11.940 Anthony White: You know 814 591 01:26:15.630 --> 01:26:19.230 Anthony White: And Emory. I'll stop by. I know I have some things to sign 592 01:26:19.710 --> 01:26:20.910 Ann Marie Quartironi: Yeah. What time do you think you combine