BCSD Superintendent Updates

  • Superintendent Update - December 6, 2024

    Posted by Victoria Jackson on 12/6/2024

    Superintendent Weekly Update December 6, 2024

    Star Student-South Avenue- Luannys

    Luannys has been working hard and has shown tremendous focus and self-control. She makes the most of every learning opportunity in all of her classes. Math is her favorite subject! She loves sharing her ideas, learning from others, and looking for ways to elevate her vocabulary. Her perseverance and willingness to learn are inspiring!

    Outside the classroom, Luannys loves playing basketball and soccer. She’s determined to become a basketball star! She loves spending time with her siblings and helping out her younger brother.  She’s also bilingual, way to go Luannys!


    Star Employee

    William Tittman is one of our information system specialists who tirelessly assists with the technical needs of the entire district. He is a dedicated professional who shows great attention to detail, has the ability to problem-solve, and puts forth the utmost effort, even on more mundane tasks. He is consistently willing to support his colleagues, take on new challenges, and adapt to the ever-changing world of technology. We are extremely fortunate to have Mr. Tittman on our technology team.

    Update on the Community Survey

    We had close to 700 stakeholders fill out the survey which was amazing! At the December 16th board meeting, I will briefly share some preliminary findings with the board.  I will share that information with you all as well through my updates.  In January, I will do a more detailed presentation for the community through a Zoom webinar with the findings.  The presentation will be recorded as well.  I will then follow up with presentations/discussions at each school with community members in February and March to discuss the survey, the next steps, budget development, and capital project updates.  I will share the dates here and on social media when they are confirmed.

    Updates from the District Office- I will be sharing more information from our instructional, PPS, and business offices in my updates.  We are starting with an update from Sagrario Rudecindo-O’Neill, our Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Student Support

    Professional Learning-Literacy in Math

    This past Tuesday, several secondary and elementary teachers attended a professional development session at our DCBOCES Educational Center on teaching literacy in math. This professional learning session was aligned with the Science of Reading language comprehension thread, more specifically, the teaching of vocabulary. The session focused on understanding how vocabulary and prior knowledge influence student success in math. This training explored how building a strong math-specific vocabulary supports comprehension and problem-solving while emphasizing the importance of activating and connecting prior knowledge to new mathematical concepts. Participants were provided with practical strategies to help students bridge understanding gaps and improve their math and literacy fluency.

    Capital Project Update

    It was fun to see Forrestal students on the new playground equipment this week!


    Winter Concert Schedule


    Winter Coat Drive


    Upcoming Home Athletic Events

    Saturday, December 7

    Girls Varsity Basketball BHS 2:00

    Boys Varsity Basketball BHS 4:00

    Tuesday, December 10

    Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling 3:00 Schieder’s Fishkill Bowl

    Boys JV Basketball 4:30 BHS

    Boys Varsity Basketball 6:00 BHS

    Wednesday, December 11

    JV Wrestling 5:00 BHS

    Varsity Wrestling 6:00 BHS

    Thursday, December 12

    Boys and Girls Varsity Bowling 3:00 Schneider’s Fishkill Bowl

    Boys Varsity Swimming 4:30 BHS

    Boys JV Basketball 5:00

    Boys Varsity Basketball 6:30

    Have a great weekend!

    Matt Landahl


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  • Superintendent Update - December 2, 2024

    Posted by Victoria Jackson on 12/2/2024

    Superintendent Weekly Update December 2, 2024

    Our Star Students and Star Employees will be back in the next update! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break!

    Capital Project-Playground Update

    The new playground pieces on the lower playground at JVF Elementary have been inspected today and are open for kids to use.  

    Winter Concert Schedule (all shows at 7:00, elementary parents consider coming to RMS or BHS to see what's next)


    Winter Coat Drive


    Upcoming Home Athletic Events

    Check out the RST Activity Scheduler app for the most up-to-date information

    Tuesday, December 4

    Boys JV Basketball BHS 5:00 

    Boys V Basketball BHS 6:30

    Wednesday, December 5

    Boys Swimming BHS 5:00

    Girls JV Basketball BHS 5:00

    Girls V Basketball BHS 6:30

    Saturday, December 7 

    Girls V Basketball BHS 2:00

    Boys V Basketball BHS 4:00

    Have a great week!


    Matt Landahl

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