• Sargent Takes Savannah!

    Posted by Cathryn Biordi on 8/12/2024

    This past summer seven teachers and Ms. Biordi attended the National Positivity Project Conference in Savannah, Georgia! The Positivity Project National Conference is a dynamic two-day event dedicated to advancing positive character education. This conference is a hub for educators to connect, collaborate, and grow. We met schools from all over the country that are implementing P2 and it was really inspiring to see the ways in which they embed the program into their school's culture. 


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  • #PositivityInAction

    Posted by Cathryn Biordi on 1/31/2024

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  • Character Honor Roll Assemblies

    Posted by Cathryn Biordi on 1/24/2024

    We had our first Character Honor Roll Assembly today! We recognized the "Stars of the Week" for demonstrating certain character traits with either their words or their actions. Our goal is to consistently teach students about research based, positive psychology character traits that people possess so they can begin to see themselves in other people based on the content of their character. This ability enhances their self-awareness and self-confidence, understanding and appreciation of others, and interpersonal relationships – which, in the long-term, will positively influence students across their lifespans. In the near term, it leads to more positive interactions and positive relationships within the walls of our school — ultimately leading to a more positive school culture that supports teachers' ability to teach and students' ability to learn.



    Supporting Others


    Miryam Pacht

    Michaela Jawor

    Frankie Guido-Taylor

    Gus Greenberg

    Kay Reeves

    Nyla Jordan

    Aaron PIttman

    Reina Cygan

    Violet Mas

    Shannon Seminara

    Nahitan Contrera Quintana

    Jiovanny Vinueza

    Ruby Wisefriend

    Audrey Fisher

    Mireia Carter

    Mirella Digneo

    Jesus Perez

    Aracelly Ortiz

    Maise Sabean

    Vivienne Jemison

    Dakota Demoss

    PJ Burns

    Jeremy Werner


    King McCray

    Akai Elmore

    Milania HUbbard

    Grayson Baker

    Oona Guina


    Henry Hare

    Rhys Donnelly

    Naomi Peterson

    Acadia Rodriguez

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  • P2 Assembly

    Posted by Cathryn Biordi on 12/22/2023

    We closed the end of the 1st semester with a whole school Responsive Classroom closing circle. We recapped our positivity project traits that we learned so far this year!

    Other People Mindset


    Supporting Others


    We also recognized this week's Star of the Week for the character trait of Self-Control!

    pic pic

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  • SES is now a P2 partner school!

    Posted by Cathryn Biordi on 11/30/2023

    On November 21, 2023 we came together as a school to kick off our partnership with the Positivity Project! Ms. Biordi led us through our first school-wide morning meeting and the meeting's message was all about P2! Students learned about the 24 character traits that we will explicitly teach this school year in each classroom! We are excited for everyone in the Sargent community to follow us on our P2 journey! 


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