• Organizations and institutions that govern public schools in New York State


    For a list of district administrators who manage daily operations for Beacon City Schools, please view the Communication Protocols.


    New York State Education Department - Supervises all public schools and standardized testing in New York.  It's headed by the Board of Regents and administered by the Commissioner of Education.

    Helpful data about schools around New York State: data.nysed.gov

    Adopted Rules from the Board of Regents & Regulations from the Commissioner:


    Board of Regents -Responsible for the general supervision of all educational activities in the state.  The Regents are organized into standing committees, subcommittees and work groups whose members and chairs are appointed by the Chancellor.

    Representative Member Frances Wills - 518-474-5889 | regent.wills@nysed.gov

    Search Committee Reports -www.regents.nysed.gov/committee-reports-search


    Office of Governmental Relations helps draft and advocate for federal and state legislation for the Board of Regents and the State Education Department, and facilitates the Regent's and SED's work with the State Legislature, the Governor's Office, Congress, or any federal/state agencies or education associations and advocacy groups.  Contact: 518-486-5644

    The Office of State Assessment  (OSA)- Develops and implements Grade 3-8 tests, Regents Exams, Alternate Assessments and English Language Proficiency assessments, all part of the New York State Testing Program (NYSTP). The tests are administered to students enrolled in public, nonpublic, and charter schools throughout New York.  Tests are aligned with the New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum. OSA provides testing guidance to school districts and the public, and advises the Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education.